Kitting and Assembly Packaging Services
Our kitting services brings together your individual order components, packaging them for shipment.
Many of our customers require product and order kitting. Shipping attractively packaged and well-organized merchandise with correct labeling for tracking purposes can boost your profits and generate more satisfied customers.
We have the experience to handle any kind of kit and the components included. Myndshft Direct is your solution for kitting order fulfillment that’s carefully organized, assured, and secure.
Proper kitting has a number of benefits:
Reduced inventory: We store component products and finalize product kits before delivery
Customized fulfillment: We drive customer satisfaction with the right products, delivered exactly as ordered
Quick response: No matter how sudden, customized, or extensive the order, Myndshft Direct gives you an agile and prompt resource
Myndshft Direct Kitting Process
An best-of-breed Warehouse Management System so that information on all inventory, orders, and shipments are accessible at any time
State-of-the-art warehousing facilities to keep merchandise safe, secure, and well-organized
Value-added services available
Well trained and efficient workers with adjustable workforce plans for large-scale projects or during busy shipping periods