Subscription boxes are a booming business and it seems like there is a curated box for just about everyone. While there are some well-known names in the space there are thousands of smaller, individual-run box companies that are finding success building their own businesses focused on products or the communities they are passionate about. As the subscription space continues to grow new businesses are launched every day with the goal of providing specially curated experiences to their subscribers. If you’ve ever thought of entering the subscription-box space below are some tips to get you started.

  1. A passionate or niche community.
    Successful subscription-boxes have one thing in common, they cater to a unique and passionate community. Whether it is made up of beauty insiders, keto dieters, or mixologists you can be successful as long as they are an engaged group of people interested in receiving products or experiences that celebrate their passions.
  2. Software and tools to run an online business.
    If you’ve never ran an ecommerce site figuring out the technology side can be a big challenge. Luckily there are many options out there to help you set everything up. From building a website to incorporating checkout and coordinating shipping can all be managed from one platform to help run your subscription box smoothly.
  3. Sourcing the right products.
    A major part of running a subscription-box is being able to find, source, and curate products your subscribers are going to love every time they receive your box. Curation is about knowing your niche to provide them with the best experience and help them to discover similar products. The goal for your box should be to not only to cash in on recurring revenue but to also keep your subscribers happy. Having flexible curation with a variety of products is crucial to keeping your box exciting and something subscribers look forward to again and again.
  4. Having the right mix of business acumen, product expertise, and marketing know-how.
    When it comes down to it a subscription-box business is like any other. You’ll need a solid business foundation, the right products, and a clearly defined marketing strategy to be successful. Here are a few things you should have in order right from the beginning.

    • Business Foundation:
      • Pricing your box
      • How often you ship
      • Software and Tools
    • Product Mix:
      • Quantity of products in each box
      • Sourcing of each product
      • Themes for the next 3 to 6 months
    • Marketing Know-How:
      • Social Media and Influencers
      • Advertising

Subscription-box businesses have exponentially grown in popularity among entrepreneurs and there are plenty of opportunities for new sellers to get into the industry. Getting started is a very detail orientated process but one that is not too hard to get right. By finding the right mix of products and passionate subscribers you’ll be on your way to success.